Javascript Mandelbrot Set Fractal Viewer

z → z2+c is iterated for each complex number c. Points are colored by counting iterations to divergence; black points converge or cycle.

Click to zoom. Click zoom number to enlarge. Right-click to save the fractal.

Yellow dots show orbits. Red dots show limit cycles. Details in popup.

This page shows more fractal detail over time by refining iterations to infinity as you explore: the longer you wait, the more detail is shown. After you zoom beyond trillion-fold magnification, a quad-precision algorithm resolves fine details to more than 30 digits of accuracy. The display computes subpixels with a 1:1 ratio.

Keys: H shrinks and G grows the size of each field; I zooms in; R reopens midway windows; C recenters all; U highlights unfinished pixels; X increases and Z decreases the z exponent; F increases and D decreases the pixel ratio; M makes a movie; ? shows this help.

- David Bau